Devlog #1 - The Basics. And the more basics.

Hey, high chance you’re stumbling here either from itch’s random section, or hell, you actually looked for my game from somewhere. Welcome to Codename DHS. It is a hacking sim that I made out of boredom.

This game is coded in Python 3.12.4! I have uploaded a test build for you to see, and tell me about! It’s pretty bare bones. There is a lot more coming.

#Get to know the dev of Codename DHS (For anyone who just wants to know about Codename DHS, you can skip this part!) I’m Delta, a 17 y/o trans girl who has been working on some fun little python projects! I am hoping to make Codename DHS a full fledged game, however, in the meantime, i am just working on small bits and pieces of a higher game.


This game is designed for Windows systems. (You would think that’d be obvious by the .exe file, but yk.) Please do not move this program out of its folder. it’s dependencies are in that folder. The game will not run out of that folder. Other than that. Just Unzip and play.

What can I mess with in the meantime?

You can mess with the first attack system. It’s a printed string that will be typed out (with a functioning timer at some point!) The way to activate this is to call “simulateattack” in the console you get when you play the game. If it tells you “You need to be in Dev Mode to run this command!”, my fault, I forgot to disable that command from dev mode and have worked on the game so much to the point where it now is in a whole other state and is a buggy mess to even push anymore. View the next subject on how to activate that.

How to Activate Dev Mode

  1. You can go back to the main menu by typing “exit” or by re-opening the game.
  2. Choose the “D. Dev Mode” Option
  3. You should get a prompt saying “DeltaDev - Password Please.”
  4. Give it this password: “f*n39fKS84F”.
  5. You will see there is one option, which is “devmode - toggles dev mode.” type that, You should get the response of “[+] Dev Mode on.”
  6. type “exit” and then play. You should notice a difference in the shell by “[DEVMODE ENABLED](shell text)”.

What can I expect in the future?

Well. There is a lot that I have planned. And truth be told (along with plenty of my other projects) that you cannot fully expect this to become the said product I want it to be. Anyways. To talk about what I want to add.

Possible Future Concepts

Stats/Money & XP

Average thing for a game like this I know. But there are plans for a money system. and possibly an XP system. The original system was made for money only, but i might change to have xp as well. There will be stats. Specifically on:

  • How many machines you got
  • How many machines you have destroyed (will get into this later.)
  • contracts taken
  • contracts finished

Software Shops.

I plan to make a system to buy software with the money you earn.

Wifi Cracking (really in an unknown state)

This will be so that way you can’t be tracked. For a possible future concept.

Contract System [Done actually, and ready to ship in the new build!]

This will be how you can get money. A fully generating system for names, what the people want, and the descriptions of what they want you to do.

And more!

Please check the Public Trello to view all the other things I am working on/have concepts for!

Will I be able to contribute anything?

Short answer? Possibly. Long answer, maybe, maybe not. I am still figuring out if I want to make my code open-source. If I do, then yes, you will be able to! Else, you will not.

That is all from me for now! I want to get to work on some other things (as believe it or not, Codename DHS is not the only thing going on in my life!) I am appreciative of anyone who ends up checking this game out!


Codename DHS Indev V0.0.1 20 MB
28 days ago

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