September 2024 Update - Indefinite Cancelation.

Hey, long time no see. So a lot has happened personally.

  1. I’m working on a new game! For now, it is in a prototype state, and can be found on my itch page.
  2. College started!
  3. School started back!

Once again, and I hate to do this, >_Terminal’s rewrite is currently in an indefinite cancel state. There are several reasons for this, so please bare with me!

As much as I know some people really don’t read these devlogs, because lets be real, I never put much work into these passion projects for publicity, I will still explain my whole thought process on this.

The Reasons that >_Terminal’s recode/>_Terminal is on a total indefinite cancel state.

  1. Personally, I did not like the story, and the way i wrote it. If you even knew anything about this game, it was a game where you uncovered secrets of your company through passive ways. How do I say this nicely.. it’s overdone so bad.. its just awful writing. I suck a writing stories to be fair, but still.

  2. “>_Terminal” is a PASSION PROJECT, and so these types of pauses have happened A LOT. “>_Terminal”, and even codename DHS, the new game coming up, are passion projects. Which means they get canceled a LOT.

  3. “>_Terminal” was getting to be a bit annoying to recode. This would have been a whole other story if I didn’t have to base it off of the compiled version of >_Terminal Indev v0.1.0. However, I had to, because I lost my source code. This made it really hard to even get the motivation to work on it. I had lost interest in >_Terminal. I didn’t want to have to rewrite my bash system. (even though, well, now, its rewritten for codename DHS, thats besides the point though.) On top of that, I would have had to re-write the story due to not really liking how overused it was. Personally, I would rather get other projects done than rewrite that whole story. This game felt a bit.. dumb to me? I tried to make a story in a game, and it failed horribly. However, I’m gonna put some hope into codename DHS.

Well, what now for >_Terminal?

Well, now you just have the archive of this page. and indev v0.1.0. I’m probably gonna push all my development off to Codename DHS. Sorry if anyone followed this project and ended up seeing it killed off.

Follow my new project if you want to see work from me, else it’s alright. take it easy people! - Delta/DeltaDev

Get >_Terminal

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